What are strokes?
Strokes occur when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. There is a web of arteries in the brain that carries rich oxygenated blood to the brain. When this is interrupted or stopped it is called a stroke.
Why does the blood supply get interrupted?
There are two causes of strokes
- Clots block off the blood supply – these are called an ischaemic strokes
- Weakened blood vessels burst – these are called a haemorrhagic strokes
How can I prevent myself having a stroke?
To lower your risk of having a stroke you need to stop smoking, take regular exercise (150 minutes per week) and eat a healthy diet. Reducing your blood pressure and cholesterol will also reduce your risk considerably.
What is a TIA?
TIA is a transient ischaemic attack which causes temporary interruption to the blood flow to the brain. It is important if you have had a TIA that you manage the risk factors discussed above.
I had a stroke 3 months ago and they gave me a clot buster in the Emergency Department so I had not physical disabilities, why am I still so tired?
Post stroke fatigue is different from normal fatigue after a busy day. With post stoke fatigue you can feel weary and it is not usually relieved by rest. Your family or friends might find it difficult to understand as you may look like you have recovered fully from the stroke. It is important to note that post stroke fatigue does not relate to the severity of your stroke.
What can I do to feel better?
- Learn to pace yourself through the day
- Keep a diary so you know how much you have done in the day so you may an informed decision on when you know you have done enough for that day
- Start a regular exercise regime. Start off slowly at 10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes 5 days per week. This will improve your ability to produce energy
- Talk to your doctor, nurse specialist , occupational therapist or physiotherapist for some advice on strategies
How do I know if someone is having a stroke?
The Irish Heart Foundation launched it F.A.S.T. campaign last year which helps you to recognise the signs
F: Face: Has their face fallen or can they smile?
A: Arms: Can they raise both arms and keep them there?
S: Speech: Is their speech slurred?
T: Time: Time to call 999 if you see any one of these signs
Heart 2 Heart runs specialised cardiovascular classes to help in your stroke recovery.
Classes run in
- Merville Road, Stillorgan on Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays
Why not let us call you?