What is fatigue?
Fatigue can be overwhelming and is a symptom that is often underrated. It occurs as a result of your body not being able to produce enough energy to meet the activity that you are performing.
There are a number of reasons that you can address in relation to fatigue:
- Improve your sleep patterns – this can be harder that you think. Quite often we are so busy and take no time to wind down before you go to bed which can cause a delay in getting to sleep or a fitful sleep. Take time to slow down one hour before your bedtime, try not to use your phone or watch anything too stimulating on the television.
- You may not be eating regular healthy meals
- You may not be exercising to improve your body’s ability to produce energy. Your body needs a few things in place to allow energy production: enough oxygen, good blood flow and good muscle structure to generate the energy. Sometimes when we decide to start an exercise programme we overdo it and get tired or fatigued. This is a sign that you have not exercised correctly and you will need to start at a slower pace.
- You may have had previous treatment like chemotherapy or steroid use that can affect your muscles ability to produce energy. An aerobic and weight training programme can improve this.
- You may have an irregular heart rhythm like atrial fibrillation which will cause some levels of fatigue. Exercise training is emerging as a treatment for this specific type of fatigue.
At Heart 2 Heart we are able to assess what your capabilities are, examine any difficulties like a painful knee that may limit your exercise and prescribe an exercise programme specific for you. Because it is specific you will reap the rewards and start to see the benefits.
Cardiac Programmes take place on:
- Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at our clinic in Stillorgan
Karen Cradock, B.Physio, MSc Specialist Cardiac Physiotherapist,, Heart 2 Heart Cardiac Physiotherapy, www.h2hcardiacphysio.com, 045 484000, info@h2hcardiacphysio.com