evolution, Author at Heart 2 Heart Cardiac physiotherapy


Stroke and fatigue

Stroke and fatigue

Fatigue associated with stroke is unusual in that it does not go away simply by resting. There can be many causes of this fatigue but as of yet, it is poorly understood. There are a number of factors to consider in relation to fatigue post-stroke. Firstly, your entire...
Heart failure

Heart failure

Online Education Session on Heart Failure Click the button below to join our next talk Click here to register your interest   We received many questions after our webinar related to heart failure and so we’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked...
Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation

We had the pleasure of attending the European Society of Cardiology conference 2020 remotely, where many newly updated guidelines were launched. We were particularly interested in the new guidelines on atrial fibrillation.  For the first time, aggressive risk factor...
Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest

Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest

People always have questions relating to heart attack vs cardiac arrest. Many people often use these terms interchangeably, which causes many people to wonder what the difference is between a heart attack and cardiac arrest. Although they are linked, there are...
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